Friday, 6 August 2010

Photos of Painted Laminate Countertops

Photos of Painted Laminate Countertops

If you want to change your countertop one option is to paint your laminate a new color.

Photos of Painted Laminate Countertops

But if do want do this then you will need to prepare your surfaces by getting them as clean and grease free as possible with an ammonia based cleaning solution.

This is not a painted countertop finish

Use bonding primer with the room well ventilated to the outdoors and drying for 24 hours to prime the surface of the laminate so that the paint will actually stick.

Painting your laminate countertops is a cheap, easy way to beautify your kitchen

Then paint your prepared laminate countertop ensuring that you use water based paints which are safe to use and prepare food on.

this is a laminate countertop painted to look like granite

Then use water based sealer to seal the paint and let that dry for 24 hours.

Kitchen Refridgerator The laminate countertops weren't so great

You should then end up with a nicely painted laminate in the color of your choice.

Best Method to Paint Laminate Countertops

Limestone Tiles Pictures

Photos of Painted Laminate Countertops

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